23/365 The Witching Hour

Brussels was too wet to venture out at lunchtime.  So that left England when I got home for today’s picture.

St Pancras is a wonderful temple of engineering and architectural achievement.  And it does generally look pretty light inside the Barlow train shed.   But flicking over to manual meant I could snag this, which gave it a far more film-noir quality.

Technical notes:

Nikon D90, Nikkor 18-200mm f3.5-5.6G IF-ED AF-S VR DX @95mm. 1/200 @ f/8 IS 800. No flash – way too long a distance!

We failed to get Sarah a Pimm’s teapot, Pimm’s Winter for the warming of, before Christmas.  Largely because when she decided she wanted one they weren’t there!  Anyway, I ordered one for her online and it has finally arrived.   For some reason the various bits of the kit (scarf, gloves, tea cosy) were all a slightly different shade of orange. So I thought I’d try this one in Black and White.

9/365 Pimm's O'Clock

If you like normal Pimm’s then you really should try the winter variety – it’s delicious.  Based on brandy rather than gin, and served warm with apple juice rather than on ice with lemonade.

Technical notes:

Nikon D90. Nikkor 50mm f1.8 AF 1/60 @ f/4 ISO 200. SB-800 flash.

2/365 As I was going up the stairs...I met a man who wasn’t there.  Day 2 (in a Big Brother sort of voice).

And for the observant amongst you, noooo shoes!

Technical notes:

Nikon D90, Nikkor 50mm f1.8 AF 1/60 @ f/1.8, SB-800 flash

Note to LJ readers: I will fix this so you don’t have to see big images inline at the weekend!

There’s a great article over at Photojojo of New Year’s Photography resolutions – check it out here.

Having read all of the suggestions, I decided that I already do some of them. Others aren’t practical for me. But… I might just try Project 365. It might be a bit more difficult to actually have the camera with me each day at some point but hey, others (Amanda,Simon, Michelle) have inspired me and I think I should give it a go!

Herewith, picture #1. Me. Ready for action.


Technical notes:
Nikon D90, Nikkor 18-200mm f3.5-5.6G IF-ED AF-S VR DX @122mm. 1/60 @ f/5.3. Flash in commander mode with SB-800 on half power behind me.
PS: Amanda / Spongey / Meeshy – best to post to a community or to a group on your f-list that people can opt in-and-out of? What worked for you?

Been suffering with thick head, cold and aches for the past two days.  And that, coupled with my lack of voice, has meant that I’ve kept away from the office (firstly, people couldn’t hear me; secondly, if they could, they’d laugh; thirdly (and most importantly) nobody wants to risk catching another bug this close to Christmas).

Am feeling better today, but still tired.  I think tomorrow I’m going to need a serious coffee before I start to get my head back into gear.

mosaic4664811 Batch two from our trip to Lake Garda.  We took a trip into Verona one day – here’s the photos to prove it!


Have to confess I had been a little nervous about another Italian city having found Naples so horrible.  But Verona was clean, friendly and very easy to get around, and full of interesting places to visit.

Click on the picture to the left or here for the Flickr set.