I have finally caught up on Flickr with The Game.
The concept:
- Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
- Using only the first page, pick an image.
- Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd’s Mosaic Maker.
The Questions:
- What is your first name? Richard
- What is your favourite food? Pesto pasta
- What high school did you go to? Dr Challoners*
- What is your favourite colour? Blue
- Who is your celebrity crush? Juliet Binoche
- Favourite drink? Deuchars
- Dream vacation? Napa Valley
- Favourite dessert? Pavlova
- What you want to be when you grow up? Accountant**
- What do you love most in life? Sarah***
- One Word to describe you. Tall
- Your flickr name Photoverulam****
Share your creation on your blog, upload it to Flickr, even add it to The Game pool.
* Dr Challoners came up with nothing. I had to use just Challoners
** I know, I know. But I already am one. And that means I can’t just pick a more exciting career. Like being…… a LUMBERJACK! Leaping from tree to tree!
*** I had to cheat a little here and search just my own photos 😉
**** Oddly, I get only three pictures when I search for my screen name. Not sure why it’s picked only these two shots. Ho hum!